Hello William,
I'm happy you
had no problems installing it. Some of us have experienced it, and
finally gave up. IBM has taken a direction that is pretty
risky. They entered the PC market with products that they aren't
finished developing. They expected the customers to tell them what's
wrong with it and what's missing, but they're missing a point there,
they're not asking the right questions to the right people. (see news400's
august article :http://www.as400network.com/resources/artarchive/index.cfm?fuseaction=viewarticle&CO_ContentID=7750).
The point is
they have put CODE/400 on the market before it was finished. They
had put only the tools that everybody need. I've heard it was
written in smalltalk, and that was one of the major cause why it is so
slow. But they will release a new version that is supposed to be
faster, and more reliable. Written in C/C++, it is supposed to be
the next step to a Full windoze interface for AS400 developers. As
I'm writing this, there are no more CODE/400 on my workstation. I
had to format my HDD to completely erase the references to the VARPG's
Java toolbox for as400. Or else I have to set the classpath in each
execution of a Java class to avoid a "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException"
All this to
say, don't despair, there will come a new world of drags, drops and clicks
for the AS400. Will it be for good? who knows?
Pascal Bellerose
Programmeur-analyste / Software developer
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