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boothm@earth.goddard.edu wrote:
> I just made a simple little application.  Here's the salient features:
> - all functions in the application work normally, and also with the
> mouse or the arrow keys and cursor.
> - the subfile has a fully functional scroll bar.

I want to make one other statement about this and then I'll leave it 
alone, unless I can add more to it...

IBM is the problem in "WHY" so many of these features are NOT used.. I 
remember when it was announced, very quietly, that we had all these new
features in DDS for radio knobs,buttons, etc,etc.... BUT they didn't
follow through with a book or "ANY" examples of "HOW" to do it... They
had some very bright people do all this programming and put these
in place, announced it in a letter and nobody ever heard another word...

I say this, because it's true of so many things on the 400. This goes
to another favorite gripe of everybody's... The manuals.... Their tech 
writers are terrible... I'm remember when you had good examples of any
new feature that was announced and what it could be used for... Now you
have DIG to even find out a "hint" of what it's really supposed to do,
less "how" to do it.... Can anybody on this list really say they
"all" of the features in the DDS manual or the RPG manual for that

It has gotten so bad that an entire market has been created just for the
purpose of education on the 400... Now what's wrong with that picture ??

There is a HUGE market of 3nd party "manuals" out there explaining 
everything from TCP/IP,RPG,security,firewalls,communications,etc,etc...

Can't the people who wrote the stuff be a better instructor on HOW to
it. Look at all the "new" features in V4rXX... Who even knows the new
features.... They design it, they program it, they throw it over the
and hope it catches on.... and then wonder why they are losing the war.
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