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  • Subject: Re: Newbie Questions
  • From: Tim Truax <truax@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 09 Oct 1998 18:23:01 -0400
  • Organization: RPS, Inc

Hi Dean,
You are absolutely unequivocally correct!  I truly believe that the resistance 
sharing information in this field is directly related to the less desirable
aspects of human nature.  Not to mention the 'lack' of popular support for the
AS400 platform in general, I know that I might take 1 week of scratching to 
a simpler way to do something on the AS400, but then after I have learned it I 
proclaiming it from the housetops to the other programmers.  Sharing information
is the only way to go.

DAsmussen@aol.com wrote:

> Hello All,
> I may be wrong here but would like to start a discussion, if warranted, on the
> above subject.  In other words, respond to the list if you take issue with
> what I'm about to say, _NOT_ offline.  There have been several questions
> posted lately from AS/400 newbies and, frankly, I was _APPALLED_ at some of
> your responses.  Try to remember that the majority of AS/400 _PROFESSIONALS_
> couldn't find this list (or anything else on the Internet) with both hands and
> a flashlight.  Those of you that have moved from RPG or COBOL to OO should
> recall how difficult _that_ transition was at first -- just try to imagine
> moving the _OTHER_ way.

Tim & Dana Truax and ... Caleb 5 yrs!

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