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On 10/11/2009, at 8:32 AM, McKown, John wrote:

I'm not an i person, so please excuse the ignorance. Is 5250 still the main way to access the i for system admins & programmers?

Yes, with the use of Navigator and various development tools such as WDSc and RDI. There are still some things that can only be done from a green-screen and there are a few things that can only be done from the Navigator interface (in one of its many incarnations e.g., Windows client, Nav for Web, etc.) or via APIs.

Like the 3270 is for z/OS and z/VM.

Yes. Very similar data stream except that 5250 could be considered a superset of 3270.

What about end users?

Depends. Often still 5250 but may be client/server or browser-based.

I would guess / hope that most use some sort of transaction monitor like WAS (CICS on z).

Nope. CICS/400 does exist and is used by z/OS shops converting to i. Rarely (if ever) used by pure i/OS shops. Externally described display files (via DDS, multiple record formats, subfiles etc.) are far easier to use than CICS.

Simon Coulter.
FlyByNight Software OS/400, i5/OS Technical Specialists

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