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  • Subject: Re: Stand alone debugger?
  • From: Gary L Peskin <garyp@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2000 11:40:57 -0700
  • Organization: The Firstech Corporation

David Gibbs wrote:
> Folks:
> Can anyone recommend a good stand alone Java debugger?
> Ideally it will work with AS400 Java apps and PC based Java apps.
> Thanks!
> david

David --

I'm really interested in seeing the responses to this question.  I've

IBM Distributed Debugger.  This can supposedly connect to the 400
although I've never used it to do so.  This is available as a download
from Visual Age Developer Domain
This works with all JDK levels but it has several shortcomings.  First,
you cannot look at local variables except for the current call level. 
If you want to look at the variables for any other call level, you need
to click on the call stack for the appropriate level.  This brings up
the source code for that call level.  Then, for each local variable you
want to look at, you need to set it up as a watched variable (or
monitor, I forget what they call it).  This is a real pain.  My other
big problem with it is that you can't see the actual type of variables
only the declared type.  So if you have some class and fifty subclasses
and you're using the variable based on its base class (or some
interface), you can't see the actual type of the variable.  This is a
major frustration.

Karmira BugSeeker for Java 2.  This is at (http://www.karmira.com). 
They have a fifteen day fully functional trial version that you can
download.  This supports JPDA so it requires Java 2 for debugging.  It
says it fully supports remote debugging although I've never used it for
that.  A commercial license is $199.  I currently develop using jdk1.1.8
for compatability with some backleveled OS/390 customers.  However, I
downloaded the IBM JDK1.3 for Windows and I use that with BugSeeker for
debugging.  BugSeeker works great.  Nice interface.  This is a fairly
new product, written all in Java.  The support is by online forum and
they are VERY responsive.  These people know their stuff and they're
busting their butt to do a great job.  There are some rough edges but
they're incorporating fixes quickly.  I have no association with them
but their energy and enthusiasm definitely shows.

Please let us know if you know of other products and how they measure

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