× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.


Sorry for the delayed response, I was away on course all week and was
having hardware problems with my thinkpad =(

Unfortunately, for v6, you cannot get away with installing just the RSE
component.  Here's what I would suggest,
1. Install the entire product
2. Apply updates to get to v6.0.1
3. Go back to the RPU, but instead of apply updates, go to the Optional
Features tab and install WDSC Lite.
Even though the entire WDSC v6 is installed, you are now able to start up
eclipse with just the edit, compile and debug functions.
This will improve the performance of the IDE with just the subset of
plugins running.

Hope this helps.  Thanks.

Richie Yu
Software Developer - IBM Toronto Lab
WebSphere Development Studio Client for iSeries
Phone: (905) 413-5550
E-mail: richieyu@xxxxxxxxxx
             Sent by:                                                   To 
             code400-l-bounces         "CODE/400 Discussion & Support" 
             @midrange.com             <code400-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>            
             12/06/2006 08:55                                      Subject 
             AM                        Installation Question               
             Please respond to                                             
             Discussion &amp;                                              

      I am in the process of installing version 6.0 of the WebSphere
Development Studio Client for iSeries. A co-worker installed the first disk
and I am doing the same. At this point we only want RSE and the RPG related
stuff. The web stuff in not needed at this time. My question is, what are
all the other disks for?  It seems we can bring things up with just the one
disk installed, and the labels on the other disks seem to be the same
thing, just more.


Terri Harteau
Felker Brothers Corporation
?If you lose the power to laugh, you lose the power to think.?
Clarence Darrow


Edmund Reinhardt,  AS/400 AD Tools,   reinhard@xxxxxxxxxx
Dept 607,   IBM Canada Lab  TL 969-4392  Phone 905-413-4392

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