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>>When I do STRCODE from the command line I get the message  Default
>>information for STRCODE not found.

>From your previous posting, I assume that you have WDT/400 V5R1 installed.

What is your Windows OS?
Which OS/400 host release/version you are connecting to?

Let's try a couple of things.

On your work station, please do these:

- On a DOS prompt, enter 'codeedit /c exit'
- close the CODE communications daemon
- Assuming you are on Windows 2000, delete all *.xml files in C:\Program
Files\IBM\Shared Files.
- From the 'Start', start the Communications daemon.

On the AS/400 host you are connecting to, please do these:

- Make sure that you have a *CURLB defined in your sign-on user profile.
  *if you have multiple CODE users, make sure that this *CURLIB is unique.

  *should show the CODE/400  backend service program installed information.

   *should see a list of the *USRSPC objects in your library list.

- Delete the STRCODE *USRSPC in your *CURLIB

  *STRCODE will be activated with trace. Check the job log.

Please send to my e-mail address, the following:
- The STRCODE joblog from "DSPJOBLOG OUTPUT(*PRINT) " spool output.
- The file  C:\Program Files\IBM\Shared Files\FVDCERRS.LOG on your PC.


Best regards,
Hak Lui
AS/400 AD, IBM Canada Ltd.
e-mail: haklui@ca.ibm.com

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