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I think we share the same frustrations, Jon, but I am proposing a different
solution.  You probably know more about the verify than I do though.

>>The verify is done on the PC.  The 400 is only consulted if no caching is
>>used or if the required file is not in the cache.
I think if there were an option to verify on the AS/400, there would
be no need to waste time caching and refreshing.
Maybe save source before verify or save to QTEMP if you don't want
to save the source?  I don't know the details here but it seems possible.

>>As to verifying on the 400 - you already have that - just do a No Gen
>>compile - it is the same thing.  However it would be pointless.
I agree that it is pointless but I don't think it is the same as a verify.
If the verify can run in 1 second on the PC, why can't it do the same
on the AS/400?  My experience is that No Gen takes the same amount of
time to complete as a full compile but no listing.  Very pointless.

>>Verify with cache is the right way to go - we just need IBM to make a few
I don't know.  It seems like if you can do it on the PC, you can do it
on the AS/400.  Maybe even faster on the AS/400.  Is it possible to even
speed up the cache process on the PC?

Of course, I am sure there are people who know things I don't know who
probably think I am nuts.  In the time it takes to cache definitions,
I could have already done a full compile.  It seems like a waste of time.
Can this same 1-second verify be done on the AS/400 or is there something
magic about caching and running on a PC that makes it quick?

Craig Strong

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