× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

I have been forcing myself to use the WDT products as much as possible, and
I am getting used to them.  I have a few things on my wish list for future
releases...  Some of these may already exist, somewhere in there....

1) Multiple Clipboards - A 2nd Clipboard would be really nice.
Unfortunately for me, I spend a great deal of time fixing broken code in a
major erp package.  Whenever I make a change, I add a 'Mod Mark' to the
line, which references notes I have left at the top of the program.  The
notes describe the change/fix.  Because Code is all Cut & Paste, it is hard
to keep this Mod Mark handy.  A second clipboard would allow me to do the
normal c&p editing, but always have my modmark handy.

2) Must the cursor always advance to the end of a paste?  I miss the SEU/CA
paste that kept the cursor in the 1st position.

3) Ctrl-Cursor to jump words is nice.  Unless you are on a Comment line...
Then it jumps to the end of the line.  Uggh.

4) In debugger, how can I see a file in QTEMP of the attached Workstation?
Also, can I use Load instead of Attach?

5) I would like it if Code would remember the last few source members I
worked on...between sessions.

6) Can you cache the member list of your Source files?  It should be easy to
only update your list with changed members...  Would make for much faster

I am sure I could come up with more, but these are my gripes for today :)

The product has been extremely stable for me, and I am becoming more
productive with it every day.

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