× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

  • Subject: RE: Inserting Specs of a different type after a given type.
  • From: Buck Calabro <Buck.Calabro@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2001 17:06:56 -0400

>I have seen a lot of those ctrl/alt type keys 
>used before, but everything in windows I 
>have always used was run by mouse, 
>except the occasional program run from 
>a command line or DOS. I thought those 
>options were for anyone who didn't have mouse
>capability and have always just ignored them. 

All Windows programs should obey the Windows UI standard.  That's what makes
them Windows programs.  Open up Notepad (ctrl+esc, r, notepad, <enter>),
Calc (ctrl+esc, r, calc, <enter>) and Code.  Type 12345 into Code, <home>,
shift+end, ctrl+c.  Alt+Tab to the Notepad window and press ctrl+v.  The
numbers are pasted into Notepad.  Alt+tab to the Calculator window.  Ctrl+v
and the number is pasted there.  Do something with it say, multiply by 100
(*, 100, <enter>)  Copy the result with ctrl+c.  Alt+tab to the notepad
window and ctrl+v to paste the results there.  Standard Windows shortcut
keys should work in all Windows programs, mouse or not.  Like I said, I
rarely use the mouse.

>Additionally, I haven't seen any documentation 
>of them from IBM. Not even in Violaine's book 
>saying here is a good way to run this.

That's because this is Microsoft's job to document these keys, because
they're a Microsoft standard.  I gleaned these over the years by reading all
the help menus I could stand and using the menu bar instead of the icons.
The menu bar shows the accelerator keys for each function, so if you alt+e
to summon up the Edit menu (the "E" is underlined; that's how I know I can
use Alt with it) and look at the keys that perform the task instead of

I am most definitely NOT a guru, and learnt this stuff the hard way.  I only
hope by posting that I can help someone else transition easier than I did.

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