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  • Subject: RE: Inserting Specs of a different type after a given type.
  • From: Buck Calabro <Buck.Calabro@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2001 13:50:23 -0400

>Code is a wonderful tool that has a lot of really 
>neat search and find capabilities. These abilities 
>are useless if we can't do the basic functions
>we know how to do in SEU.  Quickly and 
>efficiently modify source code.

SEU is green screen, and suffers/enjoys green screen attributes.
Code is PC based and suffers/enjoys programmable work station attributes.
If you approach Code as an SEU substitute, you will never come to like it.
Code is fundamentally different from SEU.  Whilst the functions (cut/paste,
insert/delete) are the same, the METHODS are, and should be different.

>When adding a line of code, the program has gotten so smart you can't tell
>it what kind of line to prompt for when entering the prefix commands. You
>have to enter IP, let it come up with a prompt based on the last line of
>code entered. If it is right, you are ok. If not you have extra windows to
>display and select from to get your line added.

Case in point.
I didn't even think of using the SEU key template: I use LPEX.  I don't want
to see the sequence numbers - they take up valuable real estate.  Try LPEX
with an open mind instead of SEU for a day or so. Alt+O, K, L, Enter (I hate
the mouse.) Turn off sequence numbers too - you'll start working in smaller,
more modular chunks!  Really!  Alt+V, N.

>How many times does the spec type change in 
>a program? (F to IX to JX to C to CX to * to C 
>to CX, etc.) Every time it second guesses me 
>wrong, I have to waste time getting my code in 
>while I ask for the right prompt. 

Right!  That's why I never use it.  Actually, I very rarely prompt a line of
code.  The template at the top is plenty good enough.  If you Enter after a
line of text, you get a new line with the same spec type.  If it's wrong,
you change the spec from (say) D to C, up/down with the cursor arrow and the
template reflects the C spec.

>With SEU, we can type IPCX, IPC, IPO, IPI, etc. 

With Code, I type C, up/dn arrow.

>All the attention to the mouse is a nice 
>add on, but you can not loose track
>of the fact that we are still writing text code. 

I _hate_ the mouse.  I almost never use it.  There are keyboard commands for
just about everything.  Code is a Windows program which means it uses
Windows standard keys:
home - column 1
end - end of line
Ctrl+home - line 1, column 1
Ctrl+end - last line, last column
Shift+arrow - select text
Shift+end - select to end of line
Shift+Ctrl+end - select to end of file
Ctrl+x - cut
Ctrl+c - copy
Ctrl+v - paste
Ctrl+z - undo
Ctrl+Shift+z - redo

Buck Calabro
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