[ Converted text/html to text/plain ] Well, Starting over now: Hopefully, you will be able to read what I have pasted into this email. If not, i have attempted to attached a notepad file containing these issues: To basically clear everything out: 1. deleted the objects for my source code and the physical file. 2. cleared contents of wrkoutq and wrksplf. 3. created the physical file, using crtpf custtranpf 4. Source code listing for custtranpf: *************** Beginning of data ************************************* 0001.00 *********************************************************** 0002.00 * Customer Transaction File * 0003.00 * Physical File -- CUSTTRANPF * 0004.00 * Arrival Sequence * 0005.00 *********************************************************** 0006.00 0007.00 A R CUSTTRANR TEXT('Customer Transaction Report') 0008.00 A FIRSTNAME 10A ALIAS(CT_FIRST_NAME) 0009.00 A MIDDLEINIT 1A ALIAS(CT_MIDDLE_INITIAL) 0010.00 A LASTNAME 15A ALIAS(CT_LAST_NAME) 0011.00 A TRANSMONTH 9A ALIAS(CT_TRANSACTION_MONTH) 0012.00 A TRANSAMT 7P 2 ALIAS(CT_TRANSACTION_AMOUNT) ****************** End of data **************************************** 4. after successfully creating the custtranpf file, went into the display spool file and the resulting output looks ok. 5. entered in some data using strdfu, picked option 5, Update data using temporary program. 6. entered in two records for data entry. 7. after data entry was completed, the following file, QPDZDTALOG was now in the work with output queue: *...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8....+....9 5769SS1 V4R4M0 990521 AUDIT LOG Library/File . . . . . TUBBS/CUSTTRANPF Member . . . . . . . . CUSTTRANPF Job Title . . . . . . WORK WITH DATA IN A FILE *RECNBR FIRSTNAME MIDDLEINIT LASTNAME TRANSMONTH TRANSAMT Added 1 Mark Henry March 456.78 Added 2 Sammy Jenkins August 723.41 2 Records Added 0 Records Changed 0 Records Deleted * * * * * E N D O F D F U A U D I T R E P O R >From this output, showing data is being put into the temporary program. 8. Here is my source code listing: *************** Beginning of data ************************************* 0001.00 PROCESS APOST. 0002.00 0003.00 IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. 0004.00 0005.00 PROGRAM-ID. CHPT0301. 0006.00 0007.00 ************************************************************ 0008.00 * * 0009.00 * This program reads the Customer Transaction File and * 0010.00 * will print a Customer Tranactions Report containing * 0011.00 * the Customers Full Name and Transaction Month & Amount. * 0012.00 * * 0013.00 ************************************************************ 0014.00 0015.00 ENVIRONMENT DIVISION. 0016.00 0017.00 INPUT-OUTPUT SECTION. 0018.00 0019.00 FILE-CONTROL. 0020.00 SELECT CUSTOMER-TRANSACTION-FILE 0021.00 ASSIGN TO DISK-CUSTTRANPF. 0022.00 0023.00 SELECT CUSTOMER-TRANSACTION-REPORT 0024.00 ASSIGN TO PRINTER-QPRINT. 0025.00 0026.00 DATA DIVISION. 0027.00 0028.00 FILE SECTION. 0029.00 0030.00 FD CUSTOMER-TRANSACTION-FILE 0031.00 RECORD CONTAINS 40 CHARACTERS. 0032.00 0033.00 01 CUSTOMER-TRANSACTION-RECORD. 0034.00 05 CT-FIRST-NAME PIC X(10). 0035.00 05 CT-MIDDLE-INITIAL PIC X(01). 0036.00 05 CT-LAST-NAME PIC X(15). 0037.00 05 CT-TRANSACTION-MONTH PIC X(09). 0038.00 05 CT-TRANSACTION-AMOUNT PIC 9(7)V99 PACKED-DECIMAL. 0039.00 0040.00 FD CUSTOMER-TRANSACTION-REPORT 0041.00 RECORD CONTAINS 80 CHARACTERS. 0042.00 0043.00 01 PRINT-RECORD-OUT. 0044.00 05 PIC X(04). 0045.00 05 DL-FIRST-NAME PIC X(10). 0046.00 05 PIC X(02). 0047.00 05 DL-LAST-NAME PIC X(15). 0048.00 05 PIC X(08). 0049.00 05 DL-TRANSACTION-MONTH PIC X(09). 0050.00 05 PIC X(18). 0051.00 05 DL-TRANSACTION-AMOUNT PIC 9(07).99. 0052.00 05 PIC X(04). 0053.00 0054.00 WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. 0055.00 0056.00 01 WS-CONTROL-FIELDS. 0057.00 05 ARE-THERE-MORE-RECORDS PIC X(3) VALUE 'YES'. 0058.00 0059.00 PROCEDURE DIVISION. 0060.00 0061.00 000-MAIN-MODULE. 0062.00 0063.00 OPEN INPUT CUSTOMER-TRANSACTION-FILE 0064.00 OUTPUT CUSTOMER-TRANSACTION-REPORT. 0065.00 0066.00 READ CUSTOMER-TRANSACTION-FILE 0067.00 AT END 0068.00 MOVE 'NO ' TO ARE-THERE-MORE-RECORDS 0069.00 END-READ 0070.00 PERFORM 200-PROCESS-RECORD-RTN 0071.00 UNTIL ARE-THERE-MORE-RECORDS = 'NO '. 0072.00 0073.00 CLOSE CUSTOMER-TRANSACTION-FILE 0074.00 CUSTOMER-TRANSACTION-REPORT. 0075.00 0076.00 STOP RUN. 0077.00 0078.00 200-PROCESS-RECORD-RTN. 0079.00 0080.00 MOVE SPACES TO PRINT-RECORD-OUT. 0081.00 MOVE CT-FIRST-NAME TO DL-FIRST-NAME. 0082.00 MOVE CT-LAST-NAME TO DL-LAST-NAME. 0083.00 MOVE CT-TRANSACTION-MONTH TO DL-TRANSACTION-MONTH. 0084.00 MOVE CT-TRANSACTION-AMOUNT TO DL-TRANSACTION-AMOUNT. 0085.00 WRITE PRINT-RECORD-OUT. 0086.00 READ CUSTOMER-TRANSACTION-FILE 0087.00 AT END 0088.00 MOVE 'NO ' TO ARE-THERE-MORE-RECORDS 0089.00 END-READ. ****************** End of data **************************************** 9. Now, I recompile my source code listing for chpt0301: >From the DSPMSG i get this, meaning sucessfull. Job 043060/TUBBS/CHPT0301 completed normally on 07/29/02 at 11:19:27. The only error I get from the source code listing is this one, but I have already been told this is ok. 13 MSGID: LBL0650 SEVERITY: 00 SEQNBR: 003000 Message . . . . : Blocking/Deblocking for file 'CUSTOMER-TRANSACTION-FILE' will be performed by compiler-generated code. 10. Now, I create my program by issuing this command: CRTCBLPGM PGM(CHPT0301) SRCFILE(QCBLLESRC) and getting the following message: Program CHPT0301 created in library TUBBS on 07/29/02 11:23:27. No, new errors came up in the source code listing. 11. Now, calling my program, CALL CHPT0301, getting this message, we we have been talking about: Message . . . . : Message MCH1202 in CHPT0301 in TUBBS (C D F G). Cause . . . . . : Message MCH1202 was detected in COBOL statement 47 (MI instruction 009F) in program CHPT0301 in TUBBS. I took Terry's advice on looking up the error message by pressio F1. Then, I went to wrksplf and got some more information from the QPPGMDMP file from the dump I had created when I picked D from the response above. 12. Here might be some revelant information: ( I couldnt include all of the dump information, but hopefully, this will be good) MCH1202 exception in program CHPT0301 in TUBBS at MI instruction number 009F COBOL statement number 47. Last I-O operation was at statement 38. LBE7903-Information pertaining to file CUSTOMER-TRANSACTION-FILE. LBE7905-File is open. LBE7906-Last I-O operation completed for file was READ. LBE7907-Last file status for file was 04. LBE7910-Last extended file status for file was ****. LBE7903-Information pertaining to file CUSTOMER-TRANSACTION-REPORT. LBE7905-File is open. LBE7906-Last I-O operation completed for file was OPEN. LBE7907-Last file status for file was 00. LBE7910-Last extended file status for file was ****. FORMATTED DATA DUMP FOR PROGRAM CHPT0301.TUBBS 11:28:26 07/29/02 NAME OFFSET ATTRIBUTES VALUE ARE-THERE-MORE-RECORDS 000B80 CHAR(3) 'YES' CT-FIRST-NAME 000020 CHAR(10) 'MARK ' CT-LAST-NAME 00002B CHAR(15) 'HENRY ' CT-MIDDLE-INITIAL 00002A CHAR(1) ' ' 'D48199838840404040'X CT-TRANSACTION-AMOUNT 000043 PACKED(9,2) **INVALID DATA '0045678F40'X CT-TRANSACTION-MONTH 00003A CHAR(9) 'MARCH ' CUSTOMER-TRANSACTION-FILE 000020 CHAR(40) 'MARK HENRY 000020 VALUE IN HEX 'D481999240404040404040C885 000043 +36 '0045678F40'X CUSTOMER-TRANSACTION-RECORD 000020 CHAR(40) 'MARK HENRY 000020 VALUE IN HEX 'D481999240404040404040C885 000043 +36 '0045678F40'X CUSTOMER-TRANSACTION-REPORT 000020 CHAR(80) ' MARK HENRY 000020 VALUE IN HEX '40404040D48199924040404040 000043 +36 '40404040D48199838840404040 000066 +71 '40404040404040404040'X DL-FIRST-NAME 000024 CHAR(10) 'MARK ' DL-LAST-NAME 000030 CHAR(15) 'HENRY ' DL-TRANSACTION-AMOUNT 000062 CHAR(10) ' ' DL-TRANSACTION-MONTH 000047 CHAR(9) 'MARCH ' FILLER 000020 CHAR(4) ' ' FILLER 00003F CHAR(8) ' ' FILLER 00002E CHAR(2) ' ' FILLER 00006C CHAR(4) ' ' FILLER 000050 CHAR(18) ' ' PRINT-RECORD-OUT 000020 CHAR(80) ' MARK HENRY 000020 VALUE IN HEX '40404040D48199924040404040 000043 +36 '40404040D48199838840404040 000066 +71 '40404040404040404040'X WS-CONTROL-FIELDS 000B80 CHAR(3) 'YES' STATIC STORAGE FOR PROGRAM CHPT0301.TUBBS BEGINS AT OFFSET 000040 IN T AUTOMATIC STORAGE FOR PROGRAM CHPT0301.TUBBS BEGINS AT OFFSET 000080 I 13. Now, from the above information, I went into the compiled source listing and found line 47 in the code, here is a snippet of this section: 007800 200-PROCESS-RECORD-RTN. 007900 43 008000 MOVE SPACES TO PRINT-RECORD-OUT. 44 008100 MOVE CT-FIRST-NAME TO DL-FIRST-NAME. 45 008200 MOVE CT-LAST-NAME TO DL-LAST-NAME. 46 008300 MOVE CT-TRANSACTION-MONTH TO DL-TRANSACTION-MONTH. 47 008400 MOVE CT-TRANSACTION-AMOUNT TO DL-TRANSACTION-AMOUNT. 48 008500 WRITE PRINT-RECORD-OUT. 49 008600 READ CUSTOMER-TRANSACTION-FILE 008700 AT END 50 008800 MOVE 'NO ' TO ARE-THERE-MORE-RECORDS 008900 END-READ. 14. Here is the printer spacing chart that I recreated from my textbook. From what the exercise says, its suppose to look like that: *************** Beginning of data ************************************* 0001.00 Printer Spacing Chart Guidelines 0002.00 0003.00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0004.00 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 0005.00 X--------X X-------------X X-------X $ZZ,ZZ$.99 0006.00 X--------X X-------------X X-------X $ZZ,ZZ$.99 0007.00 X--------X X-------------X X-------X $ZZ,ZZ$.99 0008.00 I I I I 0009.00 (CT-FIRST-NAME) (CT-LAST-NNAME) (CT-TRANSACTION-MONTH) (CT-TRANSACTION-AMOUNT) 0010.00 0011.00 0012.00 ****************** End of data **************************************** I understand what you been sayihg Leif about the number of positions. But at this point i do not have an answer. Well if possibly cannot figure this out soon, I will most likely start from scratch again, but this time, I will completely rewrite the code from scratch, in case there is some type of mistake, but I just dont see it yet. Thanks alot for so much help, Eric -- _______________________________________________ Sign-up for your own FREE Personalized E-mail at Mail.com[1] Get 4 DVDs for $.49 cents! plus shipping & processing.Click to join[2]. ===References:=== 1. http://www.mail.com/?sr=signup 2. http://adfarm.mediaplex.com/ad/ck/990-1736-3566-59
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