× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Kevin Harper gave a good starting suggestion.

On our earlier version of BPCS, there are 3 calendars:
Fiscal (GL); Factory (SFC), which plays a large role in MRP, where we can
have different versions for different facilities, work centers; and
deliveries, which we don't use but you might want to look at.

There are settings in system parameters for defining what's on-time etc.
which do not make allowance for weekends.

With ORDER POLICY CODES in the item, or separate by item-facility, you can
arrange to receive delivery in some re-order economic quantity, based on MRP

We modified what gets printed on our PO forms, so that vendors, that pay
attention to the form, will do as we ask.

Our Pos have a date when they were originally created, we have a date when
actual delivery was made, from these two we can do date math how long it
took until delivery. Compare that to our lead time for the item, and this
shows us which items need to get their lead times fixed.

We take raw material delivery via U transaction, which we changed from going
to IN in GL to UP, then in GL we changed from summary to detail. This means
that the GL Journal reference fields show the item # we got on what PO from
what vendor #. We modified the GL Journal dump program to show all the
reference fields in an Excel friendly format, and look up vendor # &
customer #, to get their names, when that info provided. Our auditors loved
the result.

Al Mac
-----Original Message-----
From: bpcs-l-bounces+macwheel99=wowway.com@xxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:bpcs-l-bounces+macwheel99=wowway.com@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2009 2:10 AM
To: bpcs-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [BPCS-L] Order policies

Good afternoon.
I am reviewing the way to commit orders at the supplier.
My intention is to get weekly deliveries. Call off placed each week for the
next week or two weeks
I am trying to find a way to constraint BPCS to plan "planned orders" on a
particular day of the week (that could be différent according suppliers)
We have BPCS 6.01 - I have not find a way to get that.
Is anybody have tried to get that?.
To follow my idea, I would like too, that the system from this day calculate
the requirement as it could do with a periodic policy (summ of the net
requirement for the following 5 days )
I hope I have clealy exposed my target- my englisch is poor.

IS someone could help me?
Thanks for your help
Roland Desfoux

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