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Well folks - Greenough has done it again.  Diluted our
BPCS value by buying another tier two player -
Infinium.  Spent $100 million to buy a company that
isn't even on most analyst's radar screens anymore.
Their process product is weak.  The only redeeming
value is their gaming and healthcare verticals which
do have a market share is those respective industries.
Since everyone is talking about OGS it is apparently
clear that Greenough has indeed found the key to
profitability - sock it to the current users for as
much Maintenance revenue as he can get.  With the CA,
and now the Infinium acquisition he can get even more.
 Most of these customers are much like the BPCS
customer in that they will stick with the iSeries and
not bother with new technology. BTW, I don't think
that SSA GT can force you to be on OGS to receive a
key to run BPCS.  As long as you comply with the terms
of your contract and do pay them for upgrades etc.,
they would be forced to give you a new key without OGS

All new strategies work for a while - the bad economy
is helping SSA GT because no one wants to, or can
afford to make a change right now. It's much cheaper
to fix it with bandaids and baling wire.  However,
elephants never forget, and as soon as the economy
becomes brighter there will be a stampede toward the
door to other vendors. The OGS extortion with bite SSA
GT where the sun doesn't shine - then we'll see how
profitable they will be! They are not doing what is
best for the BPCS users - but what is best for
Greenough and Cerberus Partners who really own this
company. ASs usual it always comes down to money.

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