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MichaelQuigley@xxxxxxxxxx skrev:
As far as entirely getting rid of the 5250 interfaces, there are simply too many systems developed on these. The manpower to replace them would be just as easy to replace with a competitor's product. I don't foresee IBM ever removing the 5250 interface. On the more recent systems, there is no interactive tax. The interactive tax was IBM's way of trying to push people off of the 5250-interface. It failed. They've since dropped that.
Actually I think that the best thing IBM could do was to introduce a NEW 5250 screen mode (or whatever it is called) which can _resize_ instead of being fixed to 132x27 or whatever, where the things displayed can adapt to this.

So if you were doing e.g. a WRKLNK you would still have 6 lines or so of status information, but the rest would adapt to the screen size, allowing you to full screen a 5250 emulator and see perhaps 50 lines of text.

This is how it is done in Unix, and it has worked very well for them, and they do character screens all over.

Unfortunately I had a look a while back and all the 16 types available in the four bits were taken. Sigh.

From those more experienced than me, COULD this reasonably be done?

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