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Since no one else has mentioned this, I'll throw in my 5 cents worth.

One of the things I constantly hear from programmers is that their boss will 
not let them convert from III to IV because "it will cost money".  In other 
words there is no perceived cost in staying where they are.

Anyone who has coded in RPG IV knows that this is rubbish - but that is the 
perception.  Reality is that as soon as the minimal learning curve is over 
you are immediately more productive for a wide range of reasons - even if you 
don't use subprocs etc.

One possible way of dealing with the "it's free to stand pat" syndrome is to 
take away the "free" bit by charging for the old compilers.  It costs IBM 
money to maintain the old stuff - and the skills to write in PL/MI aren't 
exactly being taught in schools!

I have no idea whether this will persuade more to switch platforms than to 
move to RPG IV.  I suspect that those who haven't moved are just waiting to 
become a "Windows solution" in time anyway, so like Bob I'm not sure they are 
a great loss.

I have great sympathy for the folks who are stuck with RPG II in S/36E - they 
face a much tougher job to switch.  But RPG III to RPG IV is a no brainer.

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