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We update quarterly and keep our fingers crossed that IBM comes out with
the latest cume and TR prior to our scheduled downtime instead of having to
wait until next quarter.
Lately the boss gets quite anxious when he gets a CVE announcement and
wants me to get that PTF on right away. Maybe after our recent burn that
might slow him down but since we have a few test and/or phase in lpars we
might come up with something else.

Think of this: The most frequent group is the HIPER group. It "generally"
comes out every two weeks. HIPER stands for High Impact and/or Pervasive
(which means impacts a lot of people). Is it even possible to put on one
that's been properly aged or is it always replaced? Would you even want to?

Honestly I rarely read the PTF cover letters. Probably should but there's
so darn many of them. Very few require any special action that isn't cured
by IPLing at time of apply. Probably the most prolific in this category
was Websphere which always made you run a script to actually do the update
but since they moved updates for Websphere out of PTFs that's not so much
an issue that it gets lost in the clutter.

It would also help if IBM would get over the people who did Fast400 and
other such stuff and drop that clutter from PTF cover letters. I submitted
an Idea on this which got some momentum but IBM legal put a stomp on it.

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