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To expand on your reply, Patrik - I think I see Thomas' example - T1520DDG is a DSPF. Yes, the example given is a display-only example. And a couple pages further on has this sentence -

To read the next changed sub³le record, use the _Rreadnc() function.

Exactly what you suggest, Patrik. There are more samples in the Runtime Library Functions manual, though, that might be helpful. They us _Rreadnc, although I don't see it's use in a loop - one would take again advantage of how RPG examples do this.

I have looked at some of the _R* functions - there are more in C/C++ than we have in RPG. Some could be useful in writing a generic file processor that can handle null-capable fields - I recall such a tool created in the 90s that could not do that, IIRC.


On 7/23/2023 4:53 AM, Patrik Schindler wrote:
Hello Thomas,

Am 23.07.2023 um 08:02 schrieb Thomas Burrows <thomas.burrows.1957@xxxxxxxxx>:

All I can find in V7R4 C++ manual is a LOAD ALL subfile program with no


Capacity. Does anyone have a full subfile in C++
Congrats to your decision to try out C!

I struggle to understand the base problem. Adding an OPT column and using _Rreadnc() isn't that hard? Also, branching to functions handling your desired add/change/delete functions aren't particularly hard to implement?

It's all in the _R* functions. Do you have expertise in C++?

I'm not using C++ but plain C, and did not yet take time to convert my subfile templates from positional RPG to C. I have some expertise in C on OS/400. Maybe I can help if you have specific questions. But I won't do your homework. ;-)

In addition, C related questions might better be posted in the C400-List.

:wq! PoC

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