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On Wed, Mar 30, 2016 at 3:38 PM, Bradley Stone <bvstone@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
We use or Google Calendar Addon for our G4G software to download items
daily and set them up to run. How we use it really very simplistic
compared to how involved it could be.

It sounds like you have the i pull stuff from Google Calendar once a
day (or perhaps some multiple but fixed number of times per day). So
does this mean you can't use this facility to schedule something to
run "5 minutes from now"?

I do like the concept of leveraging Google Calendar. It's certainly
much more capable than the standard scheduler's "calendar", and I
agree it's pretty user friendly, with plenty of ways to get stuff in

Would making use of its e-mail alerts so that it asynchronously pushes
to the i be too fragile? Or maybe setting up alerts would uglify the
calendar entry user interface (if for no other reason than it may be
an extra step versus what is required now)?

John Y.

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