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So when your program reads the display file, and it has the field in memory, is that field x'4a'? Or x'ba'? When you subsequent write it to your PF, is that when it translates the data? Or is it when your program reads it from the display file?

What is the CCSID of your job? What is the CCSID of your RPG program? What is the CCSID of your file? What is the CCSID of the particular field in the file where the data is written?

On 10/21/2010 12:28 PM, Coyle, Stephen F. wrote:
Sorry for the confusion.

The users are entering the special characters into a display file and
saving back to the physical which stores the text. When they enter and
save a left bracket, the PF shows the cent sign with x'4A'. I'm not sure
why it becomes 4A. That's what has me confused. When I subsequently
inquire on the record from the display file, it displays correctly as a
bracket. Yes, I am not writing anything to my conversion file. I just
take the text character and lookup to my conversion file, the problem is
I read a cent sign from the text file but I have a left bracket as the
key field in my conversion file so I don't get a hit.

- Steve

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