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From: Joe Pluta

Now, you won't like this solution because it doesn't fit some arbitrary
checkmark you read on the Internet, but the truth is, what percentage of
your pages do you need to be deeplinked? It's a nice to have, not a show
stopper, and there's a workaround.

And you know, I'm just going to stop here, Aaron. I'm tired, and this is
pretty arbitrary stuff. I want to know which applications System i
programmers will not be able to develop using EGL.

So far, you've given a couple of very specific technical capabilities that
may or may not require work-arounds. And while I don't disagree that there
are going to be weaknesses in any framework, I've yet to see anything close
to a showstopper.

Anyway, not gonna argue anymore. We've identified your issues. Deeplinking
from email and downloading a PDF without deeplinking. In your world,
deeplinking is essential, except when it's bad. In my world, it's a
technicality that can be worked around either way.

Big plus for EGL? No Java.


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