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From: Aaron Bartell

So when you look at all things considered I am of the opinion that I DO
have the right to challenge your statements about JSF/EGL and the
utopia you make it to be.

You try to make these assumptions coming from a JSP Model 2
background that JSF/EGL will serve you just fine, and you don't realize
that the model you were working with gave incredible flexibility! JSF
_doesn't_ give you all of those flexibilities.

JSF gives me all the flexibility I need to get data into and out of my
system. It's perfect for that, and so let's drop that topic. But you make
it sound like with EGL you're locked into JSF. You're not! You can step
back and forth between JSP and JSF without any problems.

In fact, with AJAX, you can even invoke RPG-CGI if you need to.

It seems to me, Aaron, that the majority of your problems stem from your
tendency to use the wrong tool for the job. At which point, you blame the


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