× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

From: Aaron Bartell

Uh... does RPG come with logging out of the box?

I don't know if you would consider this stretching it, but we get logging
through the job an RPG program is running in - in essence we get logging
*free*. Out of the box logging in J2EE gives you a single
file for all requests to dump into. I would consider logging that is
built into the OS a big plus - would you?

A plus, certainly. A big plus? Not so much. I only use logging for
problem determination and debugging (as in "turn up the logging level").
That being the case, while the internal joblog is a nice to have, it
wouldn't even make it onto my top ten of reasons to pick an architecture.

No we can't! Setting up a datasource has nothing to do with programming,
any more than downloading PTFs. Or creating INDEXES, or adding
or setting up output queues. C'mon, be real here.

This was in reference to the custom Javascript coding you had to do in
EGL app - you missed the transition as my comment at that juncture had
nothing to do with data sources. Would still like to hear your recant
though :-)

Actually, this is even less of an argument than the connection work, Aaron.
Yes, I needed to add six lines of JavaScript, but that's because Ajax
REQUIRES JavaScript. Please explain to me how I could use less JavaScript.

Are you implying that you're looking for a solution would allow you to
create client-side code, including graphics and Ajax support, without even
having to write any JavaScript? That's a tall order - sounds almost like a
silver bullet to me.


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