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On 23/11/2006, at 12:48 AM, rob@xxxxxxxxx wrote:

All we saw in the joblog was the CPF2125. Nothing further could be used
from the joblog to help nail it down.  No message immediately after, or
before, indicating a user space was created.  Same HHMMSS on the error
message as on the create time on the object itself. So we couldn't even use that to do find out if the delete really failed, or if they were just doing a delete prior to creation to ensure that it wasn't already there.

Not all creation commands send a completion message. In many cases the fact that the command completed without failure indicates the creation was successful.

The error message is from the DLTUSRSPC command. My contention is that the delete command is using a generic name (or *ALL or *ALLUSR to qualify the library) to delete a specific object which is what caused a generic message to be sent. Unless there is a good reason to specify a generic object on the delete command this should probably be changed to a specific object in which case I expect the error message to change.

You probably need to look at the CL to see what else might be happening. IBM don't usually send out an "oops, it broke" exception without also sending suitable diagnostic messages for each failure.

Simon Coulter.
   FlyByNight Software         AS/400 Technical Specialists

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