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>The world is changing - as has already been pointed out - all the time we
>value price above all .......
>Jon Paris

Listening to NPR this morning concerning the Shipping crisis in San Fran.
and the fact that shipping prices are very low(regardless of the petro
needed to ship it), they discussed the impact of "Low Price" as the goal.

When the goal (and the ONLY goal ie read Enron, etc) is Profit, and Price
of goods, you wind up with importing bottled water from Italy, Nails
imported from (somewhere), etc.  and programmers from India.

And other business decisions like,
Lets move the Corp. headqtrs to Bermuda to escape paying taxes(let Joe
citizen pay higher taxes to make up the difference),  Lets use our foreign
subsidiary export to Iraq(Dick Cheny's company Halliburton) to avoid any
legal issues,  etc.

Regardless of the logical sense of it or the human impact.

As Frank Zappa said in "I am the Slime"
"... You will do as you are told, till the rights to you have been

As Jon Paris said; "Your government have just done a good job of convincing
you that the subsidies you give "don't count". "

So keep believing the Media (oh that's right, they are a "For Profit"
function too.)

John Carr

While doing an internet search to get the correct spelling of Halliburton,
I got this link. A VERY Interesting reading about big money, big Oil.


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