× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

  • From: "Joe Teff" <jteff19@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 15:49:18 -0500

I have used Net.Data and have been successful. I have not tried Homesite,
I have tried SiteBoss. Now as to why I prefer RPG vs Net.Data:

Designing, writing and installing an application is only part of the real
life cycle.
Supporting it is more. That it why the readability of RPG IV over RPG III is
big deal. When I have 2 options that get the same result, I opt for the one
will be the most maintainable after I leave. Since all of the application is
in RPG, the RPG programmers on staff can handle it. Not so with Net.Data.
In fact, SQL is a relatively unknown language in the AS/400 community. I've
only been at 1 site in the last 12 years that has had the SQL product
And learning SQL is not even as difficult as learning the Net.Data macros.
Once I incorporate the CGI APIs into a service program, register that
program in a binding list, show them how to code the DFTACTGRP, ACTGRP
and BNDDIR parameters on the H-spec, show them how to include the
prototypes with a /COPY and how to code the subprocedure, they are all set.

And to be honest, it also comes down to personal preference. I prefer to
RPG IV code over Net.Data macros. So if all things were truely equal, I
choose RPG over Net.Data.

Joe Teff

>Jo how much Net.Data have you done? I assure you advantages in Net.Data far
>outweigh using RPG CGI scripts. You say not Data uses SQL all the time and
>its SQL syntax is different. Not true you have the capability to use Direct
>Execution to call existing RPG code as it says direct, you can use the
>system environment to call CL or system commands which can again call RPG.
>The SQL is perfect SQL no difference that I have ever noticed it uses the
>same SQL_CLI that the AS/400 is using through green screen. In V440 you can
>direct call Java programs you have a REX interface and at the same time you
>are provided with all sorts of functions including working with Cookies, an
>SENDMAIL function math, string functions and many more.
>Then the best thing is you work with Net.Data within your HTML editor such
>as Homesite or SiteBoss which is an actual Net.Data editor. Slowness not
>really V440 will see macro caching in the near future and the work we do in
>N.D is just as fast as CGI scripting. But the best thing is development
>is cut down by a huge extent, an awful lot quicker than coding RPG CGI's.

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