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As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Thanks for the response. As for your question... The good news is that there really isn't much difference in the way you would use the iSeries as the backend vs. Unix or Windows. This is assuming that you will simply be connecting to the DB2/400 database via JDBC. Obviously, if you need to use iSeries specific mechanisms, then you will need to learn a little about the iSeries. IBM has a Java API to access most all of iSeries specific features:

If you are deploying the app server on an iSeries there are a few differences in how the JVM handles byte code, but nothing that can't be overcome by reading the instructions. Personally, I think the iSeries is a very flexible and hugely reliable solution for the backend and for the app server tier. The downside is that they are NOT a "low cost" solution. There is no X or Win32 windowing engine for the iSeries. It's pure text based 5250 "green-screen", which has helped give it the "legacy" label. I predict you will either love it, or hate it, depending on how familiar you get with it.

Being the only Java guy in an iSeries shop (I've been there), you may have a hard time communicating with technical people if this shop is still primarily doing RPG development the "old-fashioned" way (PDM & SDA). If you never know what those two acronyms stand for, be very, very glad! The development methods you are bringing with you, might be very different than what they are used to.

You are on a good mailing list, so that's a good start. There are a few good books out there on Java and the iSeries, but most of them seem to make the assumption that you are an iSeries professional that wants to learn Java. I'm sure others on this list can give you other links...

IBM's Java site:
IBM's Redbooks:

Ivan Hurtado wrote:

Hello Titan,

I was a Leader on a previous project where we used
Metrics & Estimation very extensively. Our preffered
method of evaluating a specific project was based on
Function Point Analysis. Everything was sized in terms
of Function Points, which is completely independent of
everything physical (i.e. hardware, implementation,
language, lines of code, etc). The problem is that it
takes quite a bit of time and effort to train someone
to be a good Function Point Analyst.

However, you probably have a defect database. Maybe
you could add a ranking to each defect at some point
early in the process (i.e. low, medium, high, or
numeric like 1 to 5). After the developer is done,
he/she may provide input to adjust the ranking up or
down a little based on the actual effort. You will
know how long it takes each developer to complete a
"high" or "5" defect, as well as a "low" or "1"
defect. These rankings should provide you a better
feel for an individual's performance.

However, if you are able to allocate one person to
train on Function Point Analysis, it's still a great
way to go, because the true power of that skill is to
be able to use the information for Project
Metrics/Estimation. It also guards against developers
trying to "fudge" the complexity of a specific work

Now I have a question for you...
I am about to take on a job as the lead (and only)
Java developer in an AS400 shop. They are trying to
get rid of a fat client application and replace it
with a browser based thin client version. The problem
is that I have never developed any Enterprise Solution
with an AS400 as the backend... it's always been Unix
or Windows servers, but nothing legacy like this.  Do
you have any good information, references, links,
documentation... anything on Java & Enterprise
Solutions for AS400's?.

Ivan Hurtado

--- TitanRebel <TitanRebel@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I am a Team Leader for a small group of Java
programmers (5) in an iSeries shop. My company is changing the employee
review process. Employee and Manager/Team Leader will establish
goals to be met for the upcomming year. Then at the end of the year the
employee will be given a review and compensation based on the established
goals. Sounds simple. However, upper management wants quantifiable goals.
Goals that can be measured with a great degree of accuracy. I am
having a hard time comming up with ideas. Do any of you have this sort
of system? Experience with any sort of quantitative programmer
review process would be great. Have any of you tried it, and have it

Everything that I have thought of seems to have a
Lines of code -- I'd rather have 10 lines that work,
than 100 that may or may not!
Number of enhancements/bug fixes -- Is there really
an average size bug? enhancement? Some are much larger and more extensive
than others.

Any suggestions would be great! Obviously, this is
not a specific problem to Java. Our RPG programmers/managers are
having the same questions.


P.S. I know someone will ask what the process was
before... It was up to the employee's immediate Team Leader/Manager as to
what the employee's performance was during the year. Purely subjective.
In case you are wondering why... two words... Compensation

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