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was the worst install that I have ever done with any PC software.  Took me
about a day and a half.  They should make it so it automatically goes out to
the web to get the latest SP's.

Glad to hear you are making the switch!  I don't have time to comment on all
of your questions, but I do have a comment.  I quit compiling using CODE
because it doesn't remember your compile options on a per program basis, so
I instead go back to green screen and use our CMS, Aldon, to compile.

There are also some lack of error messages when compiling from CODE.  I am
trying to remember one that really gave me trouble, I think I was compiling
an ILE program and had listed a binding directory that didn't exist (because
I had compiled something on a different machine) and it didn't give me any
indication that it couldn't find the binding directory.  I then went back to
Aldon to compile and it worked fine (because I can specify compile parms on
a per program basis).  Needless to say I was very frustrated because it took
me about 4 hours to figure that one out.

Debugging is also a problem (on my machine).  Debug will just end sometimes
without any indication of what went wrong.  Then I go to the green screen
and use STRDBG and it works just fine; another reason that I go back to the
green screen.

I can't wait for the next version of CODE to come out because I am hoping
they have made some changes to the things that make it difficult for an
entire switch from SEU.

In response to your next email you sent.  I also use a VPN and there weren't
any changes that I had to make.

Hope that helps,
Aaron Bartell

-----Original Message-----
From: Richard B Baird [mailto:rbaird@esourceconsulting.com]
Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2002 9:38 AM
To: code400-l@midrange.com
Subject: I'm finally a code newby ;-)

Ok, finally, this old SEU dog is going to take the plunge - I'm going to
force myself to at least give CODE a chance.

I plan to do a lot of work from home over the long holiday weekend, and I
want to teach myself code - not a lot of time, I know, but I plan on
burying myself in it.

I installed it yesterday (btw, far and away the LONGEST pc install i've
EVER experienced) and started it.  There's SO much stuff there.  I feel
very lost with new terminologies, new ways of looking at things, etc.  At
first glance, the help that comes with it seems rather general and broad,
so I guess I'm looking for a jump start.

Can anyone suggest a CODE specific tutorial that does a decent job of
explaining general concepts?  I'm not interested at this time in using any
of the java tools, websphere tools etc.  I just want to be able to write
and edit native source files, compile, test, debug, etc.

I hear talk about different editing 'modes' such as LPEX, SEU, etc.  What
do you recommend I immerse myself in to start?  should I get used to code
using SEU mode, or skip it entirely and dive into a more PC style of

what about add-ins, macros, etc.  is there a public repository of these
types of things that I might find useful?

What features or tricks do use on a daily basis, that you couldn't live
without, that may not be obvious to a newby.

any other gotchas or additional advice you can give me will be greatly



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