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Hi Rick,

Welcome aboard. I personally love the product! I've been using it maybe a
year or so. I have a very simple little document that I would be willing to
email you regarding the debugger. To me, next to Code400, this is the
greatest tool there is!

The document I wrote has screen prints and documents how to use the debugger
for interactive and batch debugging. If you'd like I'll send it to you.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Essinger [mailto:esinger@fmtc.com]
Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2002 9:07 AM
To: code400-l@midrange.com
Subject: Re: I'm finally a code newby ;-)

Jon Paris and Susan Gantner  from Partner400 have written a Code quick
start guide.  I would recommend using it as a starting point.  I have a
copy in a zip file I could send you off list, but you might find an updated
version by contacting Jon or Susan.

At 10:38 AM 11/26/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>Ok, finally, this old SEU dog is going to take the plunge - I'm going to
>force myself to at least give CODE a chance.
>I plan to do a lot of work from home over the long holiday weekend, and I
>want to teach myself code - not a lot of time, I know, but I plan on
>burying myself in it.
>I installed it yesterday (btw, far and away the LONGEST pc install i've
>EVER experienced) and started it.  There's SO much stuff there.  I feel
>very lost with new terminologies, new ways of looking at things, etc.  At
>first glance, the help that comes with it seems rather general and broad,
>so I guess I'm looking for a jump start.
>Can anyone suggest a CODE specific tutorial that does a decent job of
>explaining general concepts?  I'm not interested at this time in using any
>of the java tools, websphere tools etc.  I just want to be able to write
>and edit native source files, compile, test, debug, etc.
>I hear talk about different editing 'modes' such as LPEX, SEU, etc.  What
>do you recommend I immerse myself in to start?  should I get used to code
>using SEU mode, or skip it entirely and dive into a more PC style of
>what about add-ins, macros, etc.  is there a public repository of these
>types of things that I might find useful?
>What features or tricks do use on a daily basis, that you couldn't live
>without, that may not be obvious to a newby.
>any other gotchas or additional advice you can give me will be greatly
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Before posting, please take a moment to review the archives
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