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I've used a "unique current library" for programming since before there was
even support for a current library - 4 years of pretending on the /38 before
we got a /400 where we could use the built-in support instead of monkeying
around in the initial program.  It's the way I've always done change
management, and it didn't hurt when we got Softlanding Turnover at a
previous job and I found out that one of its standard setups works the same
way.  Because of that, I've never had a problem with Code requiring it.
I've always worked in small shops, though, so I probably don't  fully
understand the concerns some people have about doing things that way.

I'm not one to do things fancy when brute force will do it, either.  I've
always used STRCODE, and still don't set up the "new" way to connect.  On
each PC I put a Client Access macro with the right parameters for STRCODE
when run from that PC (SERVER, RMTLOCNAME, and CMNTYPE parameters), and then
always use that.  It's simple and it works, which is what I like.

Dave Shaw
Rauch Industries, Inc.
Gastonia, NC

-----Original Message-----
From: Jon Paris [mailto:Jon.Paris@Partner400.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2002 5:25 PM
To: Code400-L@Midrange.Com
Cc: Susan Gantner; Violaine Batthish; George Farr; Edmund Reinhard
Subject: Code/400 and *CURLIB

I'd like know how other Code users handle the problems caused by Code's
insistence on having a current library that is unique to the user.  (Yes I
know this is not an absolute but the strangest things happen when you
don't).  I'd also be interested in hearing what IBM are doing to fix it.
I'd have written up a problem report, except technically I'm not an IBM
"customer" so they won't accept it.

The problem has just been highlighted again for me while teaching an RPG
class where we are also teaching them to use Code/400.  To start with they
were thrilled with the product and keen to jump into using it.  We checked
out that they had current libraries before they started (which most of them
did) and off we went.  Of course as they started exploring (and we had to
reload from time to time due to the seemingly inevitable "booms") someone
eventually managed to get a copy of the STRCODE User Space into QGPL.  The
result (which will not come as news to many of you) was that messages
started going to the wrong person, person A's server shut down when person B
requested a server shut down, etc. etc.

We wasted about two hours debugging and correcting the various problems.
The cause was not always immediately obvious, particularly since by chance
some users had named their autostart server as OS400!!  Now that was fun
since it clashed with any attempt to use an STRCODE server - which is
normally the easy answer to current library problems!!

Luckily most of the students hung with it and continue to use the editor
despite the problems, but ......

Anyway - comments and suggestion are welcome.

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