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According to F24, my <Alt+T> was mapped to "Primitive TOPLINE".  Even when
I submit this from the command line, it does not do anything.  The help for
topline says, "Set the current line to the top line in the display."  It
sounds like this would place the cursor at the top line in the display
rather than setting the focus of the current line at the first line of the
display.  The keys help for <Alt+T> says, "Move line with cursor to top
focus line of current file view."  I was hoping my <Alt+T> would do one of
these instead of nothing.  Anyone else having the same problem as me?

*** Craig previously wrote:
I added a line to my profile.lx file that allows <Alt+T> to set focus at
the first row.  This allows <Alt+T> to perform its intended purpose
according to the Help -> Keys Help.  Keys Help says, "Alt + T       Move
line with cursor to top focus line of current file view."
Without the line in profile.lx, <Alt+T> does not appear to do anything.
I added the following line to my profile.lx file:
'set action.a-t focus.next 1'

The Help -> Keys Help appears to have some inconsistencies.  For example,
1) Alt+T mentioned above does not do anything.  I think the text should
probably stay but have functionality added.
2) Text Ctrl+F4 should replace Shift+F4 and keep the same description
"Displays the insert prompt window".
3) Text for Shift+F4 should be added to say the same thing as Alt+N.
4) Text for Enter should say the same thing as Ctrl+Enter.  I don't think
there are any cases now where enter actually splits the line at the cursor.

I did not look at any keys that are missing or keys I don't use very often
but I hope this gives a start to showing common inconsistencies in keys

I also added the following lines to profile.lx for setting the top and
bottom lines as the rows that trigger scrolling instead of the default line
3 and -3.
'set focus.top'
'set focus.bottom'

Of course, I have the following two lines for maximizing the window and
setting the beeping off that I will probably always have and I think most
other people do as well:
'set window max'
'set beep off'

Thanks to Brian James, I added the lines for executing his clipline.lx
macro for allowing cutting and copying a line without first marking or
selecting.  Thanks, Brian, they work great.  I think your clipline.lx
should replace the one that is on the website of user shared macros.  I
stopped using the one that was on the website a long time ago because it
would not allow me to select one line again after I had already selected
two and pasting above the line (the exact same problems you mentioned).

The old clipline.lx macros is at
http://www-3.ibm.com/software/ad/varpg/support/moresupport.html then ->
"VARPG and CODE/400 Samples and Macros" then under user shared macros.

I have a customized macro for creating a subroutine for RPG ILE and another
for RPG that I use very often that I can e-mail anyone who is interested.
Some of you may already have created your own.  Maybe somethings similar to
this could be added to the Actions -> Smart Guides as a standard function
called "Create subroutine".

Craig Strong

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