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There was a lot of interactive "I believe that you may be mistaken..."
Normally instigated by me.  There were two other people there who admitted
to using Code in the past.  One was really disappointed that the source
comparison was just given a mention and no visual.

While we were waiting, the board asked if anyone had some real world
experience and I jumped up and spoke off the cuff for about 1/2 hour.  It
was just winding down when he showed up into the room.

Most of the attendees are repeats so I believe that we'll have enough good
will to carry us through.

Rob Berendt

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
Benjamin Franklin

                    "David Schopp"
                    <dschopp@imt.net>        To:     <code400-l@midrange.com>
                    Sent by:                 cc:
                    code400-l-admin@mi       Fax to:
                    drange.com               Subject:     RE: Poor Code 

                    11/14/2001 12:38
                    Please respond to

I see a couple of terrible things happened here.

1.  An hour late with no notification?  Tsk, tsk.  Respectability is in the

2.  The organizer should have verified the speaker's qualifications and
presentation.  I would have thought that this would have identified
or "red flags" beforehand.

3.  What sort of follow up or rebuttal was done?  Was it (as it sounds)
audience members correcting/debating with the presentor?  Was there a
session director that could mediate the "damage" done by this guy?

It sounds like you need a REAL expert or some "in the field" users present
the REAL Code/400.

This was a real shame to your user group members.  I hope they don't see
this as a reflection on the User Group and decide that it's not really
their time.

Sounds like "damage control" is needed now.


> -----Original Message-----
> We had a gentleman speak at our user group meeting last night
> about Code.
> 1)  He showed up an hour late.  Got lost and never took
> advantage of the
> cell phone and pager numbers given him.
> 2)  Had so many errors in his presentation that were
> destructive at best.
> Like - did you know they dropped the Project Organizer in
> V5R1?  Could have
> fooled me.  I've not been using any release except V5R1 and I
> see it there.
> Found out he had trouble getting it working in V5R1 so he assumed they
> dropped it.  (The epitome of defining assume.)
> a)  He never ran the verifier - says he always compiles didn't know
> anything about how it worked - like file definitions, etc.
> People started walking out like lemmings.  Granted many of
> them came from a
> distance and wanted to get home.

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