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Using COBOL and CL examples clearly shows the "depth" of the code product,
right? I agree that User Groups should somehow qualify speakers so that
horribly mistaken opinions aren't formed when the demo goes bad or is ill
planned as was apparently the case. FYI, I favor RPG too but I had to work
on a COBOL project this week (something I wrote in the 1980's) and CODE
worked just as well for that as for RPG. So, no COBOL bashing needed. ;)

On the demo front - ever heard of Viewlets? There is a company named QARBON
that is currently making a product called a ViewletBuilder2. You can
download it for free. Sort of like a highly souped up ScreenCam with HTML
and JAVA objects. Anyway, would it work for IBM to generate a Viewlet for
the V5R1 version of CODE and put it out on the IBM website as a download.
Then anyone could take a test drive of the "properly installed" product and
see the benefits.

Rick Flagler
Manager, Information Technology Projects
Timken Super Precision (MPB)
Keene, NH

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