× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

  • Subject: Re: "Problems" with WDT/400
  • From: Jon.Paris@xxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 9 Jan 2001 15:01:01 -0500

Thanks for the additional clarification Violaine.  I know that you folks
don't always control these kinds of issues but you're the only ones we can
reach <grin>

As I pointed out to Mike - I don't use the tool bar thingy (and don't know
anyone who does) so I would never look there - besides as I noted in an
earlier message - the stuff isn't there either!

My biggest problem with this kind of change is that it primarily affects
_existing_ customers.  Although if you look on the IBM Code/400 and WDT
newsgroups you'll see many frustrated _new_ users who can't find the
documentation either.

Like most users, if there is a good reason to change something - fine -
I'll accept it, but these kind of changes seem so arbitrary.  Why couldn't
the stuff stay where it was as well?  Is it really that much more work?

Also the new location of the "real" stuff is rather unusual (to put it
mildly) and the title doesn't help.  Knowing that there is support for the
products on the web my immediate reaction to "Help Home Page" was that it
was a link to the web - I even pressed it and still managed to miss the
message (maybe I'm just getting too old!).  I even read the "Read me first"
(honestly!) and it doesn't mention these changes as far as I can see.

As I say the changes seem so arbitrary and there's zero information to warn
you that the changes have been made.

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