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Yes.  These 3 articles were the ones that finally got me up and running.  Add on your other specific responses to issues that were giving me fits and I have said, and will say again, Nadir Amra's work and his interest kept me on track and moving forward.  I appreciate what you have done.

I am embarrassed to admit what I found missing, but here goes.  I am an RPG programmer and I know some HTML, .css, and JavaScript. When it comes to Apache, I know how to spell Apache.  That's it.

Any questions or explanations that include technical terms from the Apache world are going to sail past me.  For instance, at the moment I am fighting with the difference between forward proxy and reverse proxy and how it applies to not requiring a user to know or care what port number s/he needs to reach a web service. Average RPG programmers are not going to understand the IWS Help section on that issue.  Another example that caused a complete delete & repeat was: if QWSERVICE does not have a password other than *none, something else needs to happen.

We're talking the simple stuff here, but once one knows the answers to the simple stuff then the Wizard is no longer needed, right?  Also, why do I need to learn about SOAP as a prerequisite to using REST?

I mentioned 4 or 5 segments; I said that because of your 3-part series.  I realized that at my level of understanding I needed 1 or 2 extra segments that are even more simplistic than your articles.

In other words, I am not taking away from what you wrote; I am OK about my not being as bright as your target audience for the IWS Wizard.  I also believe there are a lot of other average RPG programmers out there who have eye-balled the web services solution and needlessly shy away.  They need web services in their shops.  They need to be reached.

On 12/12/2018 11:03 PM, Nadir Amra wrote:
Hi Booth,

I developed a 3-part series of articles, just wondering if you had looked
at them and if so was wondering what is missing? ...

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