× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.


Frankly, your scenario is unusual...  most people don't use a "new" library like this.  Though, that type of scenario seems interesting, especially for objects like display files that are locked when they are in use...  you could replace them by putting them in the new library, and the next call would pick up the new one.  Not sure it makes sense for a program, since they aren't locked and can be replaced in their original library.  But, maybe it does, like if you replaced the display you'd also want to replace the program...  and have existing users keep using the old one.  So its an interesting idea...  but I doubt anyone else has tried to do it with web programming since its not a commonplace practice.

Anyway...  I do have an idea for how this could work.  (But I haven't tried it.)

The idea is that your ScriptAlias doesn't point directly to the result program, but instead points to some sort of "launcher" that you write for this purpose.

ScriptAlias /myApp /qsys.lib/bbb.lib/launcher.pgm

Now if you used a URL like http://server:port/myApp/myProgram it would run the "launcher".  The launcher could get the URL and determine that after "myApp" in the URL, you had "myProgram", and could do a normal CALL (or prototyped call in RPG) to call MYPROGRAM using the library list.   If you wanted to replace MYPROGRAM you could do it...   you wouldn't be able to replace "launcher" (because the library is hard coded) but the idea is that the launcher never changes...  and all it does is call other programs, those programs would use libl and could change.


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