Thank you for all of the responses.
My first task was to learn about Base64. I learned a lot from Scott Klements (thank you!) article .
Since then I have tried several things. As previously mentioned, we use AlternaTIFF to view our tiff images. Their documentation suggests a number of methods to embed TIFF documents with HTML. At the moment, the most promising seems to be the OBJECT tag. Their example looks like this -
<object width=200 height=200
<param name="src" value="tiffdocument.tif">
<param name="negative" value="yes">
Note: the value for CLASSID forces the browser to use the AlternaTIFF viewer.
I then searched how to use Base64 with the OBJECT tag and came up with this -
<object id="test" width=100% height=75% classid="CLSID:106E49CF-797A-11D2-81A2-00E02C015623"
data="data:application/x-oleobject;base64, .......Base64 data.......... ">test2</object>
My problem is thast I am not sure that the encoding is properly working. I searched for sites that would test Base64 data as well as sample Base64 data - but I had no luck.
Any thoughts, comments, or suggestions?
p.s. This application is for internal use only with IE.
From: Joe Wells
Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2011 11:38 AM
To: 'web400@xxxxxxxxxxxx'
Subject: How to use "Content-type: multipart..." with CGI
A little back ground -
1) We use CGI (similar to, but not CGIDEV) for our web based applications
2) We have written a web based viewer for our imaging repository,
3) We use Alternatiff to display the tiff images from our web based viewer. These images open in a separate window and are streamed to the browser with a mime type of "Content-Type: image/tiff". This works very well.
Now the question -
I would like to display some other HTML above the image. Thoughts on how this could be done? I have experimented with "Content-type: multipart....", but have not had any luck.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
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