× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

From: Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen
The great advantage of using JSF as opposed to templating
(where you insert data on the fly) is that the tag libraries can
be mixed without having to do major surgery on the files.

This statement confused me, initially. Until I gathered that your view of templates may have been shaped by runtime "engines" like Velocity and Freemarker, which are vastly different than the interface I use. To the point that I wish that Velocity and Freemarker had picked a phrase other than "template engine" to describe their products.

Java template engines are more like JSP emulation environments. Where the runtime engine supports a complex language environment that includes looping constructs, conditional expressions, variable assignments, object instantiation, method calls, etc. Except that the runtime is interpretive as opposed to compiled, in contrast to JSPs.

So in addition to the normal complexity of JSP emulation, the developer writes code to instantiate and manage an interpretive runtime environment, and support additional language constructs. And you've got to wonder what kind of resource consumption occurs in a case where every application launches its own JSP emulation environment!

The interface I use is vastly simpler. HTML files are loaded into memory. Table rows and colums are loaded into memory. A generic procedure copies column values from one buffer to the other, just prior to sending the formatted stream to the HTTP server. The HTTP server in turn forwards it to browser.

If one needs to do "surgery" on an HTML file, they use their favorite editor, then save the file on the IFS. There's generally no need to change the RPG program.


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