These are quite powerful, but also hard to learn to use properly.
I would add that the JSF tags are also quite the pain for a creative
designer to use within their familiar tools (i.e. Dreamweaver), AND when you
need to go outside of the box then it can be quite cumbersome to use the JSF
Below is an example of needing a plain HTML table within a JSF dataTable.
Note how the verbatim tag really makes a mess of things.
<x:dataTable id="data"
styleClass="table" headerClass="table_header"
var="address" value="#{UserCtl.addressList}"
preserveDataModel="true" rows="3">
<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText id="listname" value="Existing Addresses"/>
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<tr><td></f:verbatim><h:outputText value="#{}"
styleClass="copy" /> <f:verbatim></td></tr></f:verbatim>
<f:verbatim><tr><td></f:verbatim><h:outputText value="#{}" styleClass="copy" /> <f:verbatim></td></tr></f:verbatim>
value="#{address.address1}" styleClass="copy" />
value="#{address.address2}" styleClass="copy" />
value="#{address.address3}" styleClass="copy" />
value="#{}, #{address.state} #{address.zipcode}
#{}" styleClass="copy" /> <f:verbatim></td></tr></f:verbatim>
value="#{}" styleClass="copy" /> <f:verbatim></td></tr>
<h:commandLink id="prefill" action="#{OrderCtl.prefillOrderAddress}"
value="use this" styleClass="copy" immediate="false"/>
Aaron Bartell
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