× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
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Joe Pluta wrote:

<<Me, I have a stateful connection to an RPG program that creates an SQL
cursor and then reads the first 20 records. The cursor stays open, and
the next request gets the next 20 records. Response time is as long as
it takes to build the index for the first request, then instantaneous
for subsequent requests.
This is the type of thing that happens all the time, and it's the reason
why business applications need stateful connections. The idea that all
things must be stateless is just another myth that needs to go away.>>

Yes! and this the way RPG developers understand the know-how of an

Joe, how is implemented this stateful connection using EGL+RPG?
The end user can press "Next 20 rows" after 25 minutes the first petition.
the RPG program is all the time wanting with open files as in 5250 app?
the RPG job is an normal job? then you can have hundreds of "waiting"
jobs... yes in the same way 5250 app.

I this this the way to go in complex app (and for my near all apps are so


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