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I haven't tried it in PASE but I guess I could give it a whirl. I could add it to my Common presentation next month if I could get it compiled to run in PASE. I'll take a look.

I have tried Ruby on Rails though. Walked through a tutorial and have read up on it a bit. I bumped into Ruby quite a while ago when I was using Datavision as a reporting tool (it uses Ruby for calculations and formatting). Although it seems pretty slick on simple CRUD apps, I did not have the time to walk through writing something more robust with it (replacing, say, our existing Struts/Jsp/Hibernate stuff with a RoR app). Sometimes the simple tutorials run out of gas when you try something more substantial.

If I come across anything, I'll post.

Pete Helgren

albartell wrote:
Has anyone setup Ruby On Rails on the iSeries? I am guessing it could run
in the PASE environment similar to what Zend is doing with PHP.  Looks like
it is written in C ... After seeing things like the screencast on the following page, which shows
a RoR plugin for eclipse, I am even more intrigued to inch towards RoR and
away from Java for Web UI's. Seems like RoR brings simplicity to Web UI's
like RPG does to character screen development.
http://www.radrails.org/page/documentation Note that there are projects like JRuby that allow me to make use of
existing Java libraries I may have:
http://www.javaworld.com/javaworld/jw-07-2006/jw-0717-ruby.html IBM writes about it here though not concerning the iSeries.
This person seems to know that you CAN'T make it run on the iSeries.
Aaron Bartell

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