× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

> From: David Gibbs
> 1. Program starts, user profile is QTMHHTTP
> 2. Retrieve current user from the PSDS and save it.
> 3. Switch to the user profile identified in the REMOTE_USER environment
> variable.
> 4. Do work
> 5. Switch back to the saved user profile (QTMHHTTP)

A couple of points.  First, I thought the idea was to:

1. Get a handle to the current profile and save it
2. Get a handle to the desired profile
3. Switch to the desired profile
4. Do work
5. Switch back to the current profile
6. Release both handles

This does a number of things, but most importantly it doesn't require you to
even know what profile you're initially running under.  Perhaps this will
work better in your case.  Also, there are a limited number of available
handles, so releasing all the ones you create is important.

Second, this is a good example of why I prefer batch jobs.  Whenever a
session starts up, you could submit a batch job and communicate with it via
data queues or whatever.  Your CGI program is very simple, just doing sends
and receives.  You have full control over the batch job, including subsystem
and job attributes.  It runs under the correct user profile, and everything,
including auditing and trigger programs, all run correctly.  You have full
control over everything from activation groups to authorities.

I know there's overhead in the data queue connection.  But it's not much;
just memory to memory.  And you only submit the batch job once when the
session starts.


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