× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

I am having a serious slow down on our website.

Two things have happened this week: I migrated to the Apache server and I
replaced our use of QTMHCGI with QZHBCGI.

I have not experienced the slow down myself but I have had numerous people
around the state report it.  I have been on the phone watching the activity
in the QHTTPSVR subsystem while they hit the site and still cannot see the
slow down.  I started the Classic Server along side the new pbA server and
had them hit both and both are slow.  It sounds like a pipe problem between
me and my ISP, but other webpages on the same subnet are responding to my
callers with typical speed.  Two other websites hosted on the same DSL line
are responding fine.

The only change in the CGI programs was the switch to QZHBCGI which I can't
imagine being the culprit.  There is no other system activity on this
machine.  WRKSYSSTS has me around 70% ASP.  CPU% is hovering in the less
than 10% range when someone hits the site.  I'm at V5R1, running a 270 with
1100 CPW.

Is there some part of the process that runs between the CGI execution and
actual delivery?  Would someone like to run a simple stress test for me?
Has anyone else seen anything like this?

Joel R. Cochran
Director of Internet Services

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