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> True, but I think we are also talking about leveraging our existing RPG
> knowledge as much as possible.  I know that's exactly why I chose CGI
> instead of something like Cold Fusion.

I understand that.  Anybody who walks in and says "and all we have to do is
rewrite your application in Java (or C++, or C#, or AS/SET, or LANSA,
or...)" obviously has no clue about how real businesses run.  You've got a
lot invested in your programs, with special hardcoding like "Customer X
doesn't get the special 2-for-1 discount except for class A items, while
Customer Y gets 10% off everything they bought last year."

> A lot depends, too, on
> what kind of
> shop you are talking about.  It's all well and good to talk about "the
> Front-end guys" over here and the "RPG programmer" over there and
> let's not
> forget the "Java guy" in the back and how they don't need to really
> understand what each other is doing.  A pretty rosy scenario from where I
> sit... alone in my office, "An Army of One".  I've got to do it
> all, so CGI
> was the fastest path for us.

<laughing!>  Yeah, I understand.  And if you don't have the dollars to buy a
tool, then it's pretty much you and your Army <grin>.  And in that
environment, it's pretty hard to move to an n-tier architecture with two or
three new languages to learn.

> I'm still learning Java (I really
> do like it),
> and I'm about ready to do some jsp/servlet work, so I should get closer to
> the Server/Client mentality soon, but for now I got to dance with the one
> that brought me... RPG CGI!

No doubt.  Let me know if I can help.  After four years, I'm getting pretty
good <smile>.

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