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If you want to install plugins like Darkest Dark, or DBeaver, you'll need to do the following. IBM probably won't recommend you do this, but I used to do this on RDi 9.6 and never had an issue.

You'll need to go to Window / Preferences, and then expand the section Install/Update. From here you'll need to add the following sites.

Name: 2022-03

Location: https://download.eclipse.org/releases/2022-03

Name: Latest Eclipse IDE Packages Release

Location: https://download.eclipse.org/technology/epp/packages/latest/

Name: Latest Eclipse Simultaneous Release

Location: https://download.eclipse.org/releases/latest

Click Apply and Close, and then you should be able to install plugins from the Eclipse Marketplace.

I did have to uncheck the default RDi update site from IBM as it does not seem to be working.

A few other things,

The installer changed to just a unzip process because that's how Eclipse is normally installed on Windows. Mac and Linux of course are going to be different. Now IBM should could have created a simple installer to install to a specific location, but for some reason they have chosen not to. Either way it's a TON better then using the Installation Manager.

If you were using Snippets you'll notice that that particular view is now gone. It looks like that was removed in base Eclipse not RDi. I don't know when that was removed. I just created a bunch so now I'll have to find an alternative. I did see that there is a templates view, but I haven't done much with it yet.

Also, this Eclipse version is again several versions behind. I have no idea why we can't be current, or even just one version behind, but alas we are ALWAYS behind!!!!

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