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I have customers asking me a simple question I don't really have a good
answer for: "What is the latest release of RDi that is stable enough for my
development group?

We know IBM works really hard to improve the quality and functionality of
RDi, I'm not questioning those efforts, but it feels like the reality is
falling short of the desire.

I know IBM would like to think the latest is stable but many of my customers
are not quite convinced to keep up the latest code. They won't ask the
question since it identifies them, so they ask me to, and being me, I have
no problem asking.

I'll follow with a second question that might be more relevant: Are the
issues identified on this list partly due to environment (desktop computer)
or style of use, as opposed to the base code of the product? If so what are
the recommended minimums as opposed to the published minimums.

A third important question: is this group the leading edge so therefore more
likely to find issues than most development shops, therefore it's not a
representative sample?

I use RDi almost daily but it's not the focus of my endeavors so I don't
keep up as quickly as you folks, nor do I push it as far as you do.


Jim Oberholtzer

Agile Technology Architects

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