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The "Check for Updates" option refers to Eclipse updates only.

You will be aware that RDi is based upon Eclipse, however IBM delivers RDi-specific updates through Installation Manager. So, two quite distinct update approaches for different parts of the "product".

There are no RDi updates beyond, I believe.

The new features that RDi 9.1 and beyond provide are new versions - which require new licences (activation kits). In other words, IBM will want your money. (Aside: 9.0 was superceded by 9.1 in April 2014.)

Just for completeness, the latest version of RDi is 9.6, announced October 2017. I imagine there will be no further features/updates/fixes for RDi 9.5.

IF annual maintenance had been in place, you would have been entitled to the new versions of RDi, as well as the (free) fixes/updates. The maintenance cost is cheaper than forking out for a brand new licence at each version. (I said cheaper - not affordable.)

Hope this clarifies.

On 29/01/2018 21:47, Booth Martin wrote:
Another thread listed a comment about fixes which has triggered this question in my mind:

I have RDi, version 9.0  It was provided to me by a client way back when that was the current version.  I do not understand the encircling agreement beyond the point of his telling me it is a permanent version, no annual maintenance, unless I wanted to pay it.  I am retired and just doing hobby programming, so no, I do not want to pay annual maintenance.

Still, there is a "Check for updates" option.  When I click that it tells me there are updates.  I then use "IBM Installation Manager" and it tells me there are no updates.  With some software I have noticed that updates for existing features are available but new features require money.

Which leads to this question: Are there updates for which I am entitled?  If so, how do I get them?

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