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Yes, when it works, it is "LOVE".

But, when these random sporadic errors occur, it is "HATE" and a HAIR-PULLER.

Yes, when RDI is working, it completely blows SEU out of the water! <Joy Joy>

I open a case on this, and sadly I cannot repeat the scenario.

I was using iProjects, and it returned the Error list for all my objects. Except for SQLRPGLE.

I tried clearing all cache and restarting, and it still did not work.

So, even when I right-click and said "Push & compile", then I got a pop-error...

Going to 5250 emulation, is where I discovered I had simple typo on a field, but RDI would not show me that. Instead I got an non-user messages, saying "Unhandled exceptions". What the heck do I do about that? <venting>

Of course I cannot reliable repeat these errors, but I am clueless what happen. But, I did open a PMR and sent them my error log.

It appears to me that RDI needs better error tracking and log to trace down these Errors such as:

Unhandled even loop exception
Internal Error. Unexpected exception

This is a big RED-FLAG, that the RDI developers did not catch an exception, to delivery a friendly user message. Like "connection lost, do you wish to reconnect".

Better than RDI 8.0/8.5, not sure which version. Which would just crap-out and end with NO ERROR or anything!!! I guess that turned out to be a memory leak!

PS. Went outside for a walk, and came back to my PC, trying to duplicate the error for Screen Capture. Then magically, without restarting it worked again. That is completely mind blowing to me.

So it goes... Time to eat a whole box of snickers...

-Ken Killian-

-----Original Message-----

Ah, ok, I'm not sure I always get a dialogue when I get disconnected, I haven't had it for a while but I remember the silent failure problem as you described. I feel your pain though, I have a love-hate relationship with RDi, especially as I have to pay for my own licence. The other editors I use daily are Netbeans and Visual Studio Code, both free and way ahead of RDi unfortunately. Still, it's better than SEU I suppose.


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