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-----Original Message----- From: Stuart Rowe
When I ctrl-space for a procedure, and I pick the one I want and press
Enter, a sort of "template" or "guide" is emplaced into my source code with
the colons to indicate the parameter separation. Keen!

The weird thing is when the procedure has *NOPASS or *OMIT parms, the
emplaced "template" looks really bizarre. Here's a prototype:

d abumAppendField...
d pr n extproc(
d *cnowiden:
d 'abumAppendField'
d )
d abumField likeds( abumField_t )
d const
d options( *varsize )
d abumMsg likeds( abumMsg_t )
d options( *varsize )
d maxlen like( int_t )
d const
d options( *omit: *nopass )

When I ctrl-space and highlight the function and press Enter, I get this:


Not sure what good the *nopass does at this juncture -- but when there are
like 10 of them, it looks REALLY bizarre escpecially when it has to wrap
the line because it got too long due to all the *nopass stuck in there.

Is this on purpose? What is it supposed to indicate to me as part of a
function call? I like it in the prototype picture I get with ctrl-space,
but it seems kind of senseless to emplace it into the source like that.
Stuart, maybe LPEX is getting "confused" by the definition of the last parameter (MAXLEN) in the list. Although OPTIONS(*OMIT:*NOPASS) is perfectly legal, it doesn't make complete sense to have _both_ values specified for the _last_ parameter. Try removing one of the values, (e.g. *OMIT) and I think you'll find CTL+SPACE will work a little better. (I have to agree that this appears to be a "bug" in the Content Assist function.)


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