On 12/19/2014 12:14 PM, Ken Killian wrote:
EVERY other EDITOR on the PLANET, at least HIGH-LIGHTS the replace field, so you can very quickly over type it....
MS Studio, NOTEPAD, NotePad++, Word, Outlook, PSPAD, ECLIPSE, IntelliJ IDEA, etc...
Just has always struck me as strange that LPEX does not work like every other FIND & REPLACE.
Very basic usage, which I would EXPECT automatically, but it is not there...
So I'm with you regarding tab order. I never, and I mean never use a
find dialogue to find something. I assign Ctrl-Shift-F to findSelected
and I use that. In Notepad++ I use Ctrl-F3. And so on. I despise
editors that force me into a dialogue to do a simple text search.
That means I when I use the find dialogue I'm really using a REPLACE
dialogue. And the RDi REPLACE dialogue really needs the tab order
revised to go Find, Replace. The check boxes I could care less about -
they can be selected by Alt-key combinations as they are now. (This
putting of the check boxes into the tab order is a feature of almost
every editor). Is there anyone who actually tabs through to say, Whole
word, presses Space and then tabs to Replace All? In any editor?
[for searching]
Yes, I am force to do the following:
Ctrl+F10 (context Menu)
Find Selection
I have Ctrl-Shift-F set aside for this. Like you, for simple searches,
why use a dialogue?
PS. I do like the up & down areas to get the previous search. That is cool. But, when I high-light and control+F, that should be place in the find box!!!
Is this too hard to code it that?
So I never had a strong opinion on this, mostly because I use the find
dialogue for replacement. Almost no editor puts the selected text into
both Find and Replace boxes, and honestly, the replacement text is
almost always related to the find text. Changing ADDR1 to ADDR2, that
sort of thing. So I've spent my life selecting, copying and pasting
that selection into BOTH boxes.
Please name me ANY OTHER EDITOR that DOES NOT Use the HIGHLIGHTED field for FIND???? Did I miss one?
<tongue in cheek>
I am composing this in Thunderbird, which doesn't do that.
I'll grant you that TBird isn't really a programmer's editor, but
finding highlighted text isn't as ubiquitous as I'd like. Then again,
there's an editor in every darned thing these days - email client, web
forum, comment sections, Wikipedia... Think about the compromises we
accept in the name of convenience. That is, instead composing a reply
in a decent editor, then pasting into a raw text box, we endure
Wikipedia's quirks because adjusting the formatting after pasting is
worse than composing in their goofball 'editor'.
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